Thursday, July 17, 2014

After a serious day of learning, we had great fun preparing our dinner at the Baba Yona Ranch.

Great wine, yummy food and new friends made our evening so very special. 

Our Stories of Economic and Social Entrepeneurship Supported by Federation for the Arab Israeli Sector

 Arab Israelis make up 21 % of the population in Israel. Our overseas agencies work in partnership with many organizations in Israel who provide services to help Arab populations improve their quality of life.  When we talk about repairing the world, tikkun olam, we do not differentiate  we should make our world a better place for everyone.  Yesterday afternoon we spent time in Nazareth learning about the many programs we support that benefit the Arab Israeli community.

In order for to Israel to continue to grow it economy and  thrive, all citizens much reach their full potential.  There are stumbling blocks for Arab men and women to participate fully in many facets of Israeli life.  Therefore Prime Minister Netanyahu created the Authority for Economic Development of Arab, Druze and Circassian Sectors. Pictured left is the Northern Coordinator Salima Mustafa-Suleiman.  She shared with us the multitude of ways that the Israeli government, in partnership with non-government organizations, including those funded by Federations, are making a difference in promoting these important sectors of society.

Reem Younis and her husband Imad founded Alpa-Omega in 1993.  This company has created, developed and is now selling ground breaking technology in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease.  Click here for more information about their incredible story and product.

As part of their vision of success they believe that their company also needs to be a social inspiration that brings Arabs and Jews together in the work place and supports programs and organizations that bolster the Arab sector in Israel. 

Pictured above are Reem and the electrodes sold by Alpha Omega. 

Stef Wertheimer has funded several industrial parks in Israel.  His latest, left, is in Nazareth.  This building houses companies like Alpha Omega and provides the space for economic and social entrepreneurship for all sectors of Israeli society.  Products created for export in this facility strengthen both Israel's economic and social fabric.

Our Federation system supports programs that bring together Arab and Jewish Israelis recognizing that Israel must provide equally for all citizens and offer support to all sectors.

When we began our adventures on Wednesday, the day began with a red alert siren blazing through Tel Aviv.  We quickly went from our bus to a shelter.  I am reminded of the famous quote from Rabbi Hillel "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?  If I am only for myself, what am I?  If not now, when?"  While Israel protects her citizens and visitors from the barrage of rockets from Gaza, we still confront our challenges and make sure we are addressing together the most pressing needs of today for a bright future tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Partnership Together (P2G)!

Our day began with a visit to the Hadera-Eiron Region which is partnered through the Jewish Agency's Partnership Together program with the South-Eastern Consortium. 

A visit at the Ben Yakir Youth Village served as the backdrop to learn more about this wonderful program and partnership.

It was a very gratifying visit as I staffed this partnership for 5 years when I lived in Jacksonville.  To see how this partnership has blossomed so beautifully was such a fantastic highlight for me. 
 And, I ran into a dear friend from Jacksonville - surprise - and one of Matan's former teachers.  Liat was visiting the region to spend time with the teacher with whom she is partnered in Hadera.  This teacher exchange has created professional and personal relationships for teachers all over the Southeastern part of the USA.  In turn, students have developed friendships with their Israeli counterparts. 

Partnership together serves to create people to people connections between the Diaspora and Israel.  These connections allow all of us not just to think about places in Israel on a map or sites to see, but about our friends, colleagues, and family all over Israel. Partnership puts a face on Israel for all of us.

Western Mass is proudly partnered with Afula-Gilboa through the Southern New England Consortium (SNEC).  Our Israel Emissary program comes through this partnership.
 One of the many young people in Israel who has become friends with Americans through P2G.  He spoke about the impact that it has had on his live and others.  His Mom, a teacher, found such meaning in his relationships with teens from Knoxville, TN that she brought the program to her classroom in Israel too!

P2G is serving to change the relationship between the Diaspora and Israel. The relationships that we develop through P2G transform us to a time when we can give as much as we receive from both sides of the ocean.  It is a beautiful thing. 









Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day Two - Stories to Share

The work of Federation is to build community - in Western Massachusetts, Israel and around the world. But, what does it mean to build community?  What is a community?  I believe that community is a collection of people and people make community valuable and interesting.   People have stories to share and those stories make up who we are as a people.

Today we spent the day with many fascinating people.  Everyone with whom we met shared their story with us.  Each story connected them to us personally.  And, each story exemplified how their lives were made better because of the Federation system.

Pictured on the left is Yuval.  Yuval lost his arms in the Israeli army.  He was a combat engineer and had a devastating accident while training.  His life changed forever.  But, that is not even half of his story.  After many years of recuperating and struggle, Yuval discovered that there is a community of disabled people in Israel whose needs are not being met.  Whether a physical, educational, psychological or emotional disability, Yuval has made it his life's work to advocate for those with disabilities.  He said "all disabled people can live in a community if they get the assistance they need.  They have the ability to control their own lives."  Yuval currently runs the Center for Independent Living (CIL) in Tel Aviv.  This is a project funded by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) through our campaign dollars.  Every day, Yuval takes his own personal experience and helps make lives better for those who are newly struggling with a disability.  He was such an inspiration.

Our next stop was a meeting with scholarship recipients the American-Israeli Cultural Foundation (AICF).  We met wonderfully talented children like Michael who are able to study the arts and music because of the scholarship that he (and his sister) receive.  They both played for us and they were outstanding!  As we were reminded, thriving arts reflect a healthy culture and society.  Our Jewish history is full of music, art and expression and Federation is helping to carry on these traditions through our work with children like Michael. 

Destun and Tadel below are two 15 year old Ethiopian boys who participate in youth activities at the Ethiopian National Project (ENP)Youth Outreach Center.  This center provides programs, activities, outings and a safe place for youth who would otherwise be home alone or out on the streets.  The Tadel on the left shared with me that his favorite subject in school is art and he loves to draw.  He is able to practice his art skills at the youth center.  Destun likes biblical history and sports.  Our funding of ENP enables boys and girls like Tadel and Destun to dream, plan and create a future for themselves.  Their parents came as immigrants and they are determined to be successful and strong for Israel.  This story is multigenerational and speaks to how we as a people share and value tenacity, hope, resilience and opportunity.  It is because of Yuval, Michael, Destun and Tadel and so many others that we work so hard to raise funds for our community and our people.  Together, we have really done some extraordinary things!

There were so many other wonderful stories to share from today, but these were a few of the highlights, before I try to get a few hours of sleep!  More to come!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Our First Night

Last night my 1/2 full plane landed safely at Ben Gurion airport.  Clearly, many people have canceled trip to Israel.  The hotels and restaurants are not full of their usual hustle and bustle.  While Israelis are trying to go on with life as usual, there is a bit of a change in the atmosphere.  For instance, my sister in law suggested that I keep my cell phone next to the bed at night in case a siren goes off and I know where it is to grab it.  As I went to sleep I made sure my glasses, phone and passport were within reach.  Thankfully it was a quiet night in Tel Aviv with no sirens.  People are simply more alert and staying close to home.

The marked decrease n the height of tourism season is clearly having an impact already on Israel.  And, terrorism is about disrupting daily life, in every way.  Hurting the tourist industry in Israel is one of the many ways Hamas seeks to upset Israel.  I am so incredibly proud that we have so many community members here right now.  From students on Onward Israel programs, to travelers on the Melton trip, to our Federation volunteers who participated in the Campaign Chair and Directors Mission and the Campaigner's Mission, and others who are here for other experiences Western Massachusetts is showing its love and support of our Jewish homeland.  I am very proud of everyone who is here.   All of our Israeli friends and family have not let this go unnoticed.  Once again, they also say, THANK YOU for coming and being with us right now.

Our Western Massachusetts presence means so very much to every Israeli that we know and all of those who we meet.  Pictured here are some of our happy and safe community members at the opening program for the campaigners mission.  I will continue to post about out journeys.  Good night from Tel Aviv.